Friday, September 28, 2012

Incredibly Sweet!!

This shouldn't be too surprising. I was lost in the world of Pinterest tonight. It's Friday night. And as "normal" for me, Ignacio is working. I can tell that the weather is changing. Not by the temps, but the fact that Ignacio's schedule is changing. It's slowing just a bit.

For example, tonight, we got to have dinner together. That doesn't happen often. Not on a Friday night. Does it mean he'll be home on Friday nights? No. It just means, I get to share some time with my hubby. :)

Like any typical Friday night for me, I refuse to even look at any school related stuff!! I'm not even sorry about it. Because my brain is fried from the past week. College does that to you. Friday nights to me, mean pjs, movies, a little junk food, and hours on Pinterest. I know!! I have a problem. :)

While searching for some recipes, don't be too shocked! I'm trying to cook here. :) I came across cbroc. And the beautiful Amber. I searched through her pins. All of which, I adore!! But when I saw this sweet pin, my heart just melted!!

Amber is absolutely glowing!! And adorable. From her Pinterest page, I found her food blog. And personal blog. Turns our, Amber is expecting twins. This December. Oh, that just melts my heart!! And this chalkboard idea, has me all excited. And I don't even know why.

No, I'm not pregnant. It's not even on the brain, at this point. Ignacio and I, are enjoying this "honeymoon" stage that we're in. Quite a bit!! ;) But this does make me think of babies. Not right now. But in our future. And the lovely ways, that we can document that time of our life.

Oh, and I might just have printed off some of Amber's yummy recipes. I'm telling you, Pinterest is such a great place!! You can learn so much there. And well, fill up your time. While you wait for your hubby, to get home from work. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

To My Hubby.....


Today, I become your wife. Nothing could make me happier. Nothing!! Just to know, that we have the rest of our lives together, makes today even more incredible!!

It's hard to remember a time, before I knew you. Extremely hard. Because I feel like my entire life, started after we met. I never realized that one person, could make you feel so wonderful. That one single person, could make me a better person. But Ignacio, you are that person to me.

I think of today, as our beginning. The beginning of our lives together. The first step, to not just building our lives together. But of building our family. I often find myself dreaming of our future. Of a home, so cozy and welcoming. Spending evenings enjoying dinner together. And long talks, that bring us to morning. Falling asleep in your arms. I dream of the babies we'll have. And one day, the grandbabies, that will climb in our laps. And ask us about our love story.

Today, we start writing our love story. Our love can only grow from here. I look forward to everything about today. Of seeing you, at the end of the aisle. Pledging my love to you, in front of God, our family, and friends. I can't wait to dance with my husband. And feed each other cake. :)

I know at times, I wondered if we could pull this off. The 2 week whirlwind, to our wedding. But you never wavered. You ensured me, that we'd make it. Not just make it, but be amazing!! That our wedding would be special.

None of those things, that I thought were important, are. You and me, are what's important today. Our love. Pledging that to each other. Sharing this special day with our friends and family. I know that. It's all I can think about. Just how lucky I am, to have met you. To know that you love me. And that we're starting our lives together, on this day.

September 16, 2012 will always make my heart flutter!! It's the day, that you went from my best friend, boyfriend, soul mate, and my hubby, life pattern, lover for life, and future father of my babies. :)

I've never been so happy in my life!! So confident in a decision. Then I am today. Pledging my love and life, to you and God. Ignacio you've had my heart and soul for years. Today, we make it official. But in my heart, I've loved you since day 1. I can't wait wait to spend the rest of my life, with you!!

XOXO.....Your Wifey

Saturday, September 15, 2012

One More Day.....

One more day. Just one more day!! I'm so super excited. I can barely contain myself. :) Tonight the mariachi is playing a HUGE concert. I'm so excited about that. My abuelito can't wait to hear and see the group. For almost 2 weeks, it's all he could talk about. Seeing Ignacio on stage. It just makes my heart smile.

Today is also Miss Mariella's birthday!! Yay!! She's 4 years old. We're all going to a fun breakfast for her. It must be so odd to celebrate your birthday, in the middle of this conference. But she's loving all of it!! And she gets to dance her little heart out tonight.

I don't know what I'm most excited for. The concert tonight. Where we get to see all our friends play and sing. And their little ones dancing. The fact that my abuelito is so happy about this week. The concert. The wedding. This trip. Or our wedding. I'm just overflowing with emotions right now.

That might be, why I cried just minutes ago. I was doing a quick search on Pinterest. While Ignacio is showering. And I came across this picture.....

There is a lot that we're not having at our wedding. But this picture, I want one just like it!! It's so sweet. And perfect. Oh, I just can't wait!! My last 24 hours as a single, are going to be fun. But honestly, I can't wait to be married to my best friend.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Making Our Way.....

We started one our adventures. Headed to Las Vegas. It's supposed to take some 12 hours. We're driving. But we put in a 2 hour cushion. To make any needed stops. We are traveling with my grandparents, and nieces and nephews. And somehow, we're supposed to all meet up at 6pm. For dinner.

Most of Ignacio's family left yesterday. And spent the last night in Las Vegas. But we had a few things left to get done. We decided to drive. For 2 reasons. 1 it's cheaper. Way cheaper. Two, we're traveling with my abuelitos, and nieces and nephews. My very pregnant sister, would also like to say, she prefers driving. :)

We left early. Cars packed. Full!! Of people, and wedding goods. All I can think about, is Ignacio. How he's doing? If he's working too hard. If he's really OK after those floods. You know, it would flood in Las Vegas. Days before our wedding. :)

And I can't help, but think about my abuelito. How is he really doing?? Should we really be making him, travel all this way. With such little time, should we have just waited. I can't help, but to have these things on my mind. No matter how hard, I try not to think about them.

In the last few days, I've tried to remain calm. To remember the reason for all of this. Because I love Ignacio. And I love my abuelito. And I want both of them, to share in this big day. I want to marry my best friend. And I want my abuelito to "give me away."

To keep me a bit more "occupied," I joined Twitter and Pinterest this week. I know!! You would have thought, like a year ago, I would have joined. But it took until this week. I also joined Facebook. But since there is a bit more personal information on there, if you want to "friend" me, leave me a comment. :)

I've also been really thinking about the things, I want from our wedding. The memories I want to make. And keep. Things that not only will be special now. But in the future. Most of these, being pictures. Really, we've given up so much already. Just trying to make this wedding happen. That I knew, I wanted a good photographer.

I just want to have pictures, that I can look back on. And remember this special day. And all of those people, that shared in our special day. It should be no surprise, that I turned to Pinterest. My oldest sister and I, just cried our eyes out. Over this picture.

We were thinking the same thing. At the same moment. My abuelito and me. We HAVE to get one just like this!! HAVE TO!! And I'm not joking about all the crying. It's a good thing, that my mom and abuelitos were napping. And my dad is concentrating on the road.

That's what we're doing today. Making our way. Please say a few extra prayers for us. That we all get there safely. And return safely on Monday. I'm going to go back to "pinning" some ideas. We've still got 5 1/2 hours on the road!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So Ready!!

In the morning, actually in a few short hours, I leave for Las Vegas. Just days, before Ignacio and I get married. I'm not scared. Or nervous. Or even anxious. I'm ready!!

Since we realized we'd have to move our wedding date up, it's been go, go, go. And I knew, that I'd be in charge of so much. Because Ignacio had to work all this week. I'm sure, we could have asked for the week off. But in all reality, this week is really important. Not just for his career. But for our bank account.

I talked to my professors, Who were all so sweet. And understanding. I went to my classes Monday and Tuesday. Went to 2 classes today. And to take 2 exams today. I will have off, until next Wednesday. It's not all fun and games. I've been studying my brains out! Doing so much homework. All to keep up, with my classes.

Today, I finally got to see my dress. And the bridesmaids' dresses. They are gorgeous!! My sister picked up all the shoes. And I'm pretty positive, that we've got everything! Fingers crossed gente!! Because in a few hours, we are on our way to Las Vegas. You know, to meet up with Ignacio and all our amigos.

It's been go, go, go. But I haven't yet, felt overwhelmed. I owe a lot of that, to my amazing friends. Most of which, I met only after meeting Ignacio. That's one amazing part of him being in the mariachi. We are all like family. Depending on each other. Really, helping everyone out.

Yes, they've been in Las Vegas since Monday. I owe so much to this mujer!! Who not only booked the chapel, and the reception space.....but also made our decorations. And probably called in every favor she could!! Yes, Ignacio and I are so lucky.

Most of all, I have Ignacio to thank. He keeps my head on straight. Reminds me of what is important. That at the end of the day, we're doing this, because we're in love. And we want to share this special time, with our familia. That's the important stuff.

Yes, I'm ready to be married. Ready to start my life with Ignacio. Ready to be his Mrs. Ready to celebrate with our family and friends. Only today, did I realize our actual wedding date. September 16, 2012. To those of you who don't know, that's Mexico's Independence Day. Sorta just works out. :)

It's very different from April 27, 2013. But close to that other big Mexican holiday.....Cinco de Mayo. It all works out well. And like I said, it only matters that Ignacio and I are getting married. And sharing this time with our family and friends. At the end of the day, those are the things that really matter in life. Not the "perfect dress, cake, date, and hair." Yes, we've got our priorities. For us, it's all about the people. And real emotions.

Friday, September 7, 2012

So Excited!!

I don't know about all of you, but lately, I've seen the trailer for Bless Me, Ultima.....about a million times!! OK, let's start from the beginning. As in, I first got my hands on this book, when I was in high school. I think I was a freshman. I had the same literature/spanish teacher for 2 years. She was so into our culture. And always had us studying really amazing people.

I fell in love with this book. I don't exactly know what it was. It just spoke to me. When I first started college, we were required to read this book again. I remember searching my parents' home. I knew I had it. I knew this, because I had read it 5 or 6 times, in just 4 years. When I finally found it, I was so excited!

Pretty sure, I read it in 2 days. :) And when I took my copy with me to class, my professor pointed out how "worn out" my book was. Little did he know, I LOVE this book! My copy just showed my love.

OK, back to the original reason for this post. I have seen the trailer for this movie, about 20 times a day. Over the last 10 days. I'm so excited for this movie to come out!! I really hope that the movie doesn't disappoint. And that it's a good reflection of Rudolfo Anaya's book. I know a few people that are excited to see it. As in mi amiga. And you can bet on one thing. I'm going to be watching this movie, the first chance I get!!