Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking for Something to Wear

I should start off with, I'm not a "fashionista." I don't buy expensive clothes. But I do love clothes!! Since I was 15, I've worked at a few clothing stores. All of which, where at the mall. Except my last job. Which was at a "fancy smancy boutique."

But I will say this, I spend tons of time, searching online. For fashion blogs, on Polyvore, and on Pinterest. I just like to see what people are wearing. How they pair clothes. Pretty much, I just like looking at clothes. :)

Right now, it's a little weird here in the SW. Weather wise. It's cold, but not freezing cold. Don't get me wrong, you need a jacket. But we're not like most people, during the winter months.

But for a city that gets well over 300 days of sunshine a year, it's been a little gloomy. I know. It's winter. But I'm not really a fan of all this gloom. And I wanted a little fashion inspiration. Something to brighten up my day. That's when I found this picture on Pinterest.

Hello!! Reminds me of this time of year. When temps are changing. But it's not really Spring yet. Yet the warmer temps, are flirting with us. :) If you're from the SW, you know what I mean. The weather is warmer, but not warm. It's not really winter. It's just between seasons.

Actually, if you ask me, this outfit would be nice for a casual Valentine's day. Maybe it's just the colors, that I'm really loving at the moment. Something fresh. A little crisp. But still cozy.

OK, I want to recreate this. But I need a few pieces. :) Maybe I should call up my sister, and head to the mall. ;) I've got the jeans, a similar sweater, and similar shoes. I really just need a shirt, in this pretty pink. And maybe a few accessories.

With all that said, are you "into" fashion? Is there a specific place you go for inspiration? Or a place that you shop at. Or long to shop at. I'd really like to hear all about it!!

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