Friday, August 31, 2012

One Last Chance

Today has been a very tough day. We found out that my dear abuelito, doesn't have much longer on this earth. I feel like my entire world has been rocked.

You see, my biological dad, up and left when my sisters and I, were little. Real little. He hasn't been around for over 25 years. Not even his own family hears from him. We're close to his side of the family. But it's just an unfortunate situation.

Since my dad wasn't in the picture, my abuellito (grandpa) has been our rock. He was our "father figure" growing up. My mom worked hard, and long hours. She had to support 4 of us!! On her own. That meant, lots of time with our abuelitos.

Maybe because I'm the youngest. Or the more sentimental and emotional one, I grew really close to my abuelitos. I've stayed really close to them. And although God sent us an amazing dad, years later. In the form of my stepdad. Let's all be real here, he's our dad. And we love him just like he was our biological dad. Because he's ours. And he loves us in the same unconditional way.

But that bond with my abuelitos will never go away. They're my rocks. Where I pull my strength from. Where I learned to love and trust. My abuelitos taught me so much. Just by example. They are the most amazing people, I will ever know.

Last year, my abuelito was diagnosed with cancer. He's fought a tough fight. And was in remission for just over 7 months. I'd hoped that he'd walk me down the aisle. Give me away. Be a big part of our wedding day. Instead, today he was given about 6 weeks to live.

I'm crushed! To say the least, it's been a very emotional day. I went with my mom and abuelitos, to my abuelito's doctor appointment. It was supposed to be a routine checkup for him. To check his status. Instead, we left crushed. Heartbroken. And a tad bit deflated.

I've cried more than I ever have. My heart just plain aches. I'm worried about what tomorrow will bring. How will we get through all of this. How will I ever say goodbye? How will that be possible?

And then, that little detail creeped into my mind. April 27, 2013. Almost 8 months away. I just knew that I couldn't wait that long. And after talking with Ignacio tonight, we've decided to move that date up. Way up! As in September 16, 2012. Because I just couldn't bare, my abuelito not being at my wedding.

I know, it sounds a little crazy. Beyond the budget breakdown, and saving money.....we haven't done much in the terms of wedding planning. I'd been collecting little things, here and there. But we were focusing on planning this Fall. I don't have a dress. I haven't even asked my bridesmaids, to be my bridesmaids.

But I have faith in God. That he will allow our family, this last celebration. Together. It's not going to be huge. Or fancy. I'm 100% certain, that all those little things I wanted to order, customize, or create.....won't get done. But we will be married. With our loved ones there.

So why September 16, 2012? For one, it's close. For two, Ignacio and the mariachi will be in Las Vegas. Teaching forming. From September 10th-17th, they are scheduled to be there. And well three, isn't Las Vegas known for their quick weddings?

It's going to be fast. It's going to be different from what we had envisioned. But we'll be married. With our loved ones surrounding us. The details will somehow work out. I believe that God will give us that much. Being that he's taking my rock from me. I'm so lucky to have Ignacio. How he understands the importance of familia. And I'm lucky and blessed, to still be able to include mi abuelito.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back to Normal :)

Since June, our little routine has been "off." Mems and Cari headed to Mexico. For the entire summer!! Our usual "dinner and church" routine had to change. You know, since Mems was going to be gone all summer. Jelly and Selena stepped up. Offering their homes.

And when they left on their summer trip, Amelia and I offered up our homes. We live an hour away from everyone else. Linda and Gabi did too! Both are expecting baby girls. And Maria and Dawn offered too! We were just trying to keep our little routine going. :)

Now let me tell you, I'm no cook! So when we had company, I made simple meals. Or bought some food. :) Thank you KFC!! You do make chicken right. It was rough. But we tried to make it just as fun. Grilling out a few nights. But it was different from our "normal."

Oh, and our dear Chiquitita has been sick. Since June!! So she went up north. We missed her so much too! Can you tell, we just weren't in our element. We felt like we were missing an arm or something. It just showed me and Ignacio, how close we've become to all of our friends. :)

At the beginning of the month, most of our friends came home. From their exploration of the state. Mems and Cari came back on Monday. Just in time for Cari to start school. And on Tuesday, this mujer came back.

It didn't mean that Tuesday was back to normal. But it was getting there. We went to church. Then ran to the soccer fields, to see this little guy and this one, play soccer. First game of their season. It was a lot of fun!! Not only did we cheer on the boys, we also enjoyed some yummy food. Cooked for us, by Mems.

Last night was back to normal. :) We went to church. Met at Mems' house for dinner. And spent hours catching up. Laughing. Looking at pictures. Just enjoying life. And let me tell you, all summer, I've been looking forward to this night.

This little quote, I found it on Pinterest. It made me think, of all our wonderful friends. How they've showed Ignacio and I, a different way of life. How to be better people. And enjoy the little things in life. If it's true, that we become like the 5 people, we spend the most time with.....I'm glad that we spend so much time with our friends. I wouldn't mind being just like them!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dancing Away My Troubles :)

Is there a song that you just love? One that instantly puts you into a good mood. I have one!! That song for me, is Little Big Town's Pontoon.

The first time I heard it, I was dancing away. In my car!! Yes, I know. But I will not apologize. It's a good song. Totally reminds me of summertime. And good times!!

The last few days, have had me a bit stressed out. I've eaten so many carbs. You'd think I was an athlete or something. No lie!! Sweets, they don't have a chance around me!! Is anyone else like that? You eat your stress away.

Then this morning, I got in my car. To make the commute across town. My favorite song came on. Suddenly, I was dancing around. Forgetting about all my worries. It hit me like a ton of bricks. "Girl, put the food down. Turn the radio up. And dance out some of that stress!" I didn't even mind that I was in traffic for 45 minutes. :)

If you excuse me, I'm going to turn up my radio. Maybe tackle my closet. Definitely dance around the house. I NEED to enjoy my last few days of summer!!