Monday, April 23, 2012

Inspired to Cook

I'm sure by now, you know I don't know how to cook. Well, not well. And not many things. I'm sure Ignacio is sick of enchiladas. It's my one good, go-to dish. Yum! But having it 3 or 4 times a week, not the best.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are all handled. We go to church with our friends. And have dinner with them. :) Usually, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights Ignacio is on his own. He's working. And being a musician, has a really good "kick back." They get free food all the time! Yes, they go play for a wedding or party. Then they eat. Me? I have cereal. :)

Did you catch on there? Pretty much, 5 days a week I don't have to worry about dinner. But those other 2 days.....we eat enchiladas. I need to branch out. I need to learn how to cook something. It just hit me Saturday. Because my other "speciality" is spaghetti. I boil the noodles, and warm up a jar of sauce. If I'm feeling really fancy, I'll add in some hamburger meat to the sauce.

Um, Ignacio is not a big fan of my spaghetti. But he is a big fan of pasta. I need to step up my game. Because eventually, I'm going to have to be a good wife. And you know, cook. :) I headed over to Scarlett's blog. And I found this recipe. She must have been reading my mind!!

Any kind of pasta carbonara, is Ignacio's favorite!! One, I never thought I could make something like this. Two, I shocked myself. Three, it really was easy to make. Four, Ignacio loved it!! Bonus, that's not my picture. It's Scarlett's. Because I was so excited about my cooking success, finding a phone to take a picture, didn't even cross my mind!! :)

Why yes, I made this for dinner. Last night. Ignacio had a gig. Actually he had a bunch of gigs. But between them, I convinced him to come home. We had this, and a salad. From a bag. :) But it was delicious!! Who knows, I might just start making dinner more often.

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